Repair Fatbikes

Fat bikes, we see more and more of them appearing on the road.
Unfortunately, there is quite a difference between the various brands in terms of finish and quality.
As a bicycle maker, we know that these robust bicycles require special attention and care.

Whether it concerns replacing and adjusting the brakes (often after 800-1000 km), repairing or replacing a tire or carrying out a mechanical service, we ensure that your Fatbike drives like new again.

This way you can enjoy your fat bike for the longest time.

Pay attention!

If you purchased your fatbike from, we may be able to help you with the electrical system. We request that you bring the invoice/proof of purchase with you when you bring the fatbike for repairs to the electrical system.
If you purchased your fatbike elsewhere, unfortunately we cannot do anything with the electrical part of the fatbike and we reger you to the company where the fatbike was purchased.